Our scale was not very expensive, we have had it for over a decade, and we could probably replace it at very small expense. But that is not the point, is it.
My First Git Pull Request
Found a very nice git repository with VisualCrossing sample code. Of course theirs doesn’t compile in my project – so this is my big opportunity – my first attempt at contributing to a project.
Weather App – API
In the week my weather app stopped working. Looked like it was getting no data. Tried connecting via wifi, on mobile data, checked we actually had internet – but nothing. Turns out their API has a new home. Thanks for nothing Apple.
How to Write a Book
I’m not going to tell you how to actually write a book. I have the words and the pictures. Now what I’m trying to figure out is how to put those words and pictures into a printable PDF.
Led Mask
I saw a post last year from Tyler Glaiel on Medium, and decided to copy his idea and make a mask.
Making a Trellis
We have a willow tree which suggests we should be making weaving projects. A few previous attempts proved this is not an easy task. You need to start simple. Trellis is about as simple as you can get.
Broken Permalinks – WordPress
Do you know that feeling when you change something on your website, then go to test it and find – it has broken everything? Then you go back to what you changed and you cannot remember what is was before!!
Robots in the Snow
There is no point really – except this site is called Snersbots. We hardly get any snow in our part of the world, so when we heard the forecast, we quickly put in for some time off work.
How to Backup our Computers
There are three sections: Partitioning, Backup Up Windows, and Backing Up Ubuntu. Funnily enough Windows is a lot more complicated than Ubuntu. Looks like I’m still learning about page anchors.
Elderberry wine
For batch 2 we did not have enough elderberries so topped up with a bit of foraging through the deep freeze – blackberries, raspberries, rosehips and sloes. I’m thinking the sloes might have been a mistake.