Connected Little Sandwich Box – Construction

In the April 2021 Hackspace there is an article for Connected Little Boxes. The author assured me it was simple to make, so I decided to give it a go. Our 3D printer never did work, so decided to use a round sandwich box, which would fit the NeoPixel ring quite nicely.

This is the first time I’ve used a Wemos. Still need to fiddle around with the code before I can claim to know anything about it. I decided to solder the headers on to the board. This would be useful for adding more sensors to the project over time.

A photo of the Wemos showing soldered headers
The Wemos with soldered headers

I took some bought connecting wires with male and female ends. This would look nice, and make it easy to add the connections to the Wemos. Good thing, as I initially connected the Digital Input from the NeoPixel ring to the wrong pin on the Wemos.

A photo of the NeoPixel ring showing soldering
The NeoPixel ring showing soldering

Very pleased with my soldering. The whole thing is secured with sellotape so that it would not be visible through the sandwich box.. Not very high-tech. The NeoPixel’s static envelope was put between the NeoPicel and the Wemos to prevent inadvertent contact.

CrazyRobMiles very kindly shared his code here. I followed the instructions in HackSpace to load it up using Visual Studio Code. I must say it worked very well. I will be looking at Visual Studio Code for these projects in future. The link includes full setup instructions which were very clear and easy to follow. I used an existing mqtt server which had already been set up for this purpose.

A photo of the Connected Little Sandwich Box working
The Connected Little Sandwich Box working

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