I don’t want to use a calendar selector. You’re always hunting backwards and forwards for the correct month. I decided it would be better to use an AutoComplete text field. The most you ever have to do is click 3 letters, but that is only if you are born in June or July.
It is a bit fiddly, but very straight-forward. And I think it is very user friendly. Thanks to Sai Geetha’s Blog – Android – Auto Complete Text View | Android Beginner Dev Tutorial.
In the layout you need an AutoCompleteTextField as follows. Basically it is identical to EditText – just has a different tag.
In the project, in the values folder, add a new resource file called months.xml. These are the values that it will use in the autocomplete.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string-array name="months">
<item >January</item>
<item >February</item>
<item >March</item>
<item >April</item>
<item >May</item>
<item >June</item>
<item >July</item>
<item >August</item>
<item >September</item>
<item >October</item>
<item >November</item>
<item >December</item>
Then in ActivityMain you hook it all together.
- Load the month names from your array in Resources
- Put this array into a layout field adapter
- You could make your own XML for the layout, but I’m happy with simple_list_item_1
- Locate the the text field in the layout file
- The threshold is how many letters you have to type before it will suggest anything
- In a short list like this, 1 is perfect – for a long list 3 will probably be better
- Add the adapter to the text field
val monthNames =resources.getStringArray(R.array.months)
val adapter: ArrayAdapter<String> =
ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, monthNames)
birthMonth = findViewById(R.id.edit_month) as AutoCompleteTextView